Gasconade County Timing Association
Car Club
Rules & By Laws
Article I
- This organization shall be know as the,
“Gasconade County Timing Association Car Club”
- The GTA is organized as a non-profit organization for the purpose of.
- Preservation and enjoyment of vintage and high performance automobiles.
- Participating in and supporting civic activities for the betterment of the communities of Gasconade county.
- Providing social and educational activities for the club membership.
Article II
Administration and officers
The officers of the Gasconade County Timing Association will consist of
- President
The president will preside over all membership and board meetings. The president shall determine the number of voting members present so it may be know if a quorum is in attendance to conduct club business. A quorum shall consist of 50% of club membership. In the absence of a quorum the president may call a meeting of the executive committee and board of directors to conduct club business.
The president will be at all events whenever possible, will schedule meetings, call meetings too order, present the agenda of the meeting, and adjourn all meetings. Any event details, dates, or policy changes, not decided in a regular meeting, shall be forwarded to the secretary/recorder at least one week prior to the event so a timely newsletter can be presented to the club members.
He or She will be know as the executive officer, and shall have the duty to carry out all policies and decisions of the members, and the board of directors. The executive officer shall be without the right too vote on the board of directors unless in the event of a tie. The executive director shall sign all checks along with the Treasurer.
- Vice President
The Vice President shall, in the absence of the President, serve in that capacity. He or She shall also serve as a Parliamentarian and perform such duties as may be assigned by the board of directors.
3. Secretary/recorder
The secretary/recorder will keep and preserve all records & minutes of the meetings of the general membership, and board of directors. Shall assume responsibility of membership sign-up sheet at each meeting, and compile a newsletter to be mailed monthly too all dues paying members.
4. Treasurer
The Treasurer will keep accurate and complete records of the funds, accounts, and membership of the organization. Treasurer shall collect all dues and maintain a record of such collections. The Treasurer shall make the only disbursements, receipts and financial reports for the organization. The Treasurer shall make financial reports to the membership at the regular monthly meetings.
The above-mentioned officers shall be known as the executive committee. The executive committee shall draw up the agenda for each meeting.
- The Board of director shall consist of the member of the Executive committee and six directors nominated by the membership. Each Director shall be assigned at least one committee and it shall be his or her duty to represent such committee on the board. These committees are responsible for the events and activities of the club. Further duties of the directors shall be to take such actions as might best fulfill the aims of the organization, and to audit the books of the administration. The board of directors will meet one week before all club events. Meeting may coincide with normal monthly club meetings. The Board of directors may decide club business in the absence of a quorum of the full membership.
Article III
Election of Officers
All executive officers and board members shall serve a minimum one-year term; Officers hold office at the discretion of the membership. Election of officers and board members shall be held each January meeting. Officers and Board members my step down or stand for election at the January meeting, should an officer or board member resign, they may be replaced at the next monthly meeting where a quorum is present. Officers may be elected by a simple majority vote of all members present providing a quorum is present. If a quorum is not present elections will be postponed until the next regular meeting. All voting must be done in person not by proxy or mail.
Any officer may be removed by a vote of the board of directors.
By Laws
- It is expected that members remain in good standing after joining the club. Good standing is defined as attending 50% of regularly held meetings and participate in at least one club event per year. Members not in good standing may have their names removed from the club roster, and may be excluded from future club events and activities. Dues are payable by the March meeting each year.
- The president will assign each committee responsibilities & duties for events and activities, Board members will be chairman of the committees and report too the president. Chairmen are expected to work with the members serving on each committee to fulfill club obligations. Members are asked too serve on at least one committee.
- All expenditures will be made by check, and the item for which it was drawn will be designated in the ledger book separately, stating when and what it was for, and the amount of each item.
- All monies received will be turned over to the treasurer and deposited into the account of the Gasconade County Timing Association, Inc. located at the banking facility of choice.
- Any amount of expenditure over $75.00 must have approval of the board of directors and/or majority vote of the membership.
- All events must be conducted in an orderly manner with safety as a prime factor. Any events held on private property will be subject to liability release.
- All events will be under the direct authority, supervision, and control of the president and the board of directors. The board of directors will determine entrance classifications and regulations for various events and will approve all trophies and awards presented.
- To be eligible for membership into the Gasconade County Timing Association, you do not have too own a vehicle of specific year or quality; you just must have the desire to be part of and the willingness to work for the club.
- Dues for membership will be $20,00 per year, payable in advance. Each membership includes the immediate family; however voting power is restricted to those family members 16 years of age and over. Membership package includes; monthly newsletter, two window stickers with club logo, and a membership card.
- Applicant for membership must be 16 years of age, if you own a vehicle you must provide proof of insurance.
- All members will conduct themselves in a respectable and orderly fashion during club meetings and events. All members must remember that SAFETY is a prime consideration at all club events, activities, and meetings.
- All members and guests participating in an event shall abide by the motor vehicle codes of the state concerned, and by the laws, and regulations of the city, or circumstances involved. The welfare and reception of the club depends on the character it gains with city, county, state, and federal authorities. We are not irresponsible drivers; any flagrant behavior shall result in the loss of the club member’s privileges, subject to the decision of the executive committee and the board of directors. We are judged by our actions. The primary function of club events and activities are for the enjoyment of the membership, it should be remembered that positive and friendly relations among the members is important, please respect others feelings, in a good natured manner.
- Members will immediately notify the treasurer and secretary/recorder upon a change of mailing address or phone number.
- Resignation of any member will be in writing and submitted to the President. This is needed to remove your name off of the mailing list, and the books.
- NOT in any manner will the membership dues be refunded to anyone that resigns from the organization.
- The club will have an Annual Picnic and Christmas Party, for club members, their families and guests. The members will bring 1 (one) covered dish and the club will supply the rest. All Club Parties will be BYOB. The date for these events will be set by vote of the club membership.
- Unless otherwise specified, these by-laws, and GTA rules of order shall govern the parliamentary procedures, and functions of the Gasconade County Timing Association.
- Voting at regular club meetings with a quorum of members present may amend these Rules and By-laws. Any amendment to the by-laws and rules must be presented to the membership at a regular membership meeting one month prior to the regular membership meeting, preceding that in which the vote is taken on.
- Members who adopted and signed these by-laws and rules of the Gasconade County Timing Association Car Club on or before April 18, 1993 shall be known as a charter member of the club organization. Members joining the club after April 18, 1993 will accept these rules and by-laws as condition of membership.